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Are You Educating Your Customers?

Everyone should be interested in educating their customers. Having your customers educated on what you need/expect from them makes your day easier. 
An example of this is Subway. To order a sandwich you start at one end of the counter and move down until you pay. Now I bet the first time you went in a subway you did not know this special way of ordering and had to follow the crowd or just walk up to the counter and had a nice employee show you through your sandwich making process. 
With insurance it is harder to get the important points across. Half of the public barely knows how insurance works just that if something bad happens they have been paying money to you to make sure it is fixed without leaving them broke. How can we educate insurance customers?
Here are a few ideas;
  •      Give them check list of things they need to get a quote.
  •      Create informative reports. 
  •      Create TV commercials.
  •      Giving speeches at events or classrooms.
One idea that has sparked my imagination is video. Video is becoming more widely used in other fields and can make a complex idea seem simple. I think it can be used very effectively to describe the complex system of insurance. One company I feel is doing a great job at this is RSA
Check out this video and more on their web site and tell me how you would like to use this tool to spread your message.