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Using Testimonials

We all strive for that testimonial of true appreciation. Were the customer is truly happy about working with your business and is nice enough to share it with the world. Now what to do with this little nugget of social proof that confirms your company’s awesomeness? Well I have a few ideas for you. 

You’re Website! 


 Putting testimonials on your website is a no brainier. Social proof is one of the best ways to persuade your prospective clients to work with you over your competitor. Put the testimonials on the home page; give them their own tab, put really good ones on forms. Use them often and keep them visible on your site.  



At the bottom of your email put a P.S. testimonial. If you have two that are really good add a P.S.S. testimonial. These show people you are communicating with on a daily basis that you care about what your customers have to say, and you are proud to show the success of your business. It is easy to add testimonials to your emails by added them to your email signature. If you need some help adding testimonials to your Email signature click here to get the step by step instruction from Microsoft Office Support. 



Adding even one testimonial from a neighbor, friend, or fellow community member can make all the difference in a postcard or mailer. If you are mailing to a niche try and select a testimonial from leaders or successful people within that niche. Make sure they stand out and try and put more than one testimonial if you have space. Or check out this blog from Dr. Larina Kase to make your testimonials more effective. 

Social Media


Try to put all of your testimonials on social media. That is where people can see the social proof of their “friends” literally singing your company’s praise. Post them to Facebook and make sure to highlight them. Make an iFrameand have a few testimonials and also a form to allow your customers to add testimonials. Tweet your testimonials; post them to Google+ and a few to LinkedIn.

Business Cards/Brochures  


Add a testimonial to the back of your business card. Put at least one or two on a brochure or other company handouts. Put testimonials on any promotional material you can.
To sum things up put a testimonial on anything you can. Use testimonials to your advantage and see your business grow. 
Where do you see the best results in your business when using testimonials?