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Who I Want To Work With and Why

I know exactly who I want to work with…and it may not be you. Why is this so important to know? Because it lets me find the right customers. You know the customers who love working with me as much as I love working with them. The customers who leave me glowing testimonials and who send me referrals. Those are the people I want to work with!
Taking the time to really find your idea customer is hard. You need to get paid so every customer is looking good when they are handing you a check. For me I have found it makes more sense to find the right people to work with instead of just anyone who will pay me. If you have been thinking about contacting me about my services maybe it would be a good idea to see if you meet my ideal customer criteria. 
  1. You want to implement marketing tactics, but you just have no time to do it.  – I love these customers. They know what they want and how they want to get it. They just need someone who understands their vision to make their marketing goals reality. 
  2.  You must be passionate about your business. – I want to work with people who love what they do. Chances are if they love what they do I can help them share their skill and knowledge with their customers. 
  3. You have to be a Risk Taker.  – Being innovative and trying new things with marketing is always a risk. I enjoy working with people who know every new marketing campaign is a risk and does not always work out the way we plan. 
  4.  You have to be a team player.  – I can create marketing campaigns and landing pages up the wazoo, but if you do not work with me to create something that is truly useful for your business then we are both wasting our time. 
If you meet all of these criteria, then call me all ready and let’s talk. If you did not meet all of my ideal customer criteria then we still might be able to work things out. 
Again if you need help with Agency Revolution, Firefly, Office Autopilot, Ontraport or Social Media Marketing and you meet my Ideal Customer Criteria, CALL ME at 401-400-2467 or contact me online.
I cannot be the only one who has set up criteria for their ideal clientele. Share the wealth; let me hear some of your criteria.