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How to Blog Your Way to New Insurance Leads

Some insurance agencies are already blogging and I give them a round of applause. If you are an independent insurance agent and you are not blogging, you better start. There are a few reasons why insurance agents and especially independent insurance agents should blog.
1.     Creating original content boost your SEO on search engines like Google
2.     Blogging gives you an outlet to share your insurance knowledge with your customer
3.     Blogging lets you share the success stories and tragedies of your customers in a real and intriguing way
So let’s go into these a little deeper. 

Fresh Original Content


Blogging is a way for you to create fresh original content. Like I said before blogging can help generate more leads by increasing your SEO. Although your website is amazing, you probably have not updated any of the content on it for a few years. Blogging is a way of letting Google know you are still relevant and your content is still up to date. Blogging also allows you to create original content that is all yours. 
Now if you are using another article and tweaking it to make it original, be sure to change 70% of the content. If you do this I would also suggest linking back to the original article, to give credit where it is due. If this is not reason enough to start blogging then I don’t know what else is, but I will continue to convince you further. 

Sharing Information 


If you are a good insurance agent, which if you are reading this you are, then you know more about insurance than any of your friends and family. You are an insurance guru, you understand the complex world of quotes, premiums, bundling, workers comp and certificates of insurance. If your customer leaves you for an online quote, you know they will be back because let’s face it they have no idea what the just bought. Most Americans don’t even know that the first page of their insurance policy is called a Declaration Page; let alone how to file a claim correctly.  
So Blog and start sharing the insurance knowledge you have. “Oh I don’t know anything to write about,” you say. I am calling BS. Every time a customer asks a question about their complex commercial policy, you could write about that. Every time you help a customer save money by having their teenager take driving school, you could write about that. What happens to insurance when a client gets married, buys a new car, buy a house, has a baby, builds a ad-on, cares for a ailing parent, gets in a car crash, has a tree fall on their house, has their dog bit a kid, I don’t know? But I bet you do so write about it! You can also go with the “be prepared” model and write about fire safety, boat safety, disaster planning, and anything else we can prevent.

Tell Your Successes 


Blogging is a great place to tell stories. If there is one thing I know all insurance agents have are stories. Stories of freak accidents, monumental storms, and my favorite are when people just mess up. The best part of telling a story in a blog is that it makes it less boring, which insurance can be sometimes. Tell about how you saved a local restaurant from going under after a kitchen fire because they had the right insurance. Write about the guy who thought he put on the parking break, or the mom who was rear ended while carpooling 4 kids. Tell a story and show your customers why you are an insurance agent. 

To Sum it up


Write an insurance blog. Make sure it is connected to your website. Don’t write it all by yourself, have each person in your office write a blog round robin style. Oh yeah and after you post it share it everywhere you can. Share your blog online, in your newsletter, and in an email to all of your customers.
So how does blogging get me new insurance leads? The answer is simple. Blogging and sharing information is one way to show the world that you are an expert in your field. I don’t know about you but I would rather pay an expert than just some big company and like I said before blogging can help your online presence. So start sharing the knowledge and show your true insurance loving self.

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