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What’s the difference?

I recently got an email asking a very good question.

“What is the difference between what you do and what the Agency Revolution team does for us? Obviously I feel like we have spent a lot of money with Agency Revolution and want to use it to its fullest potential, but with what we pay why should I have to hire an outside source? I just figured that it should be taken care of by AR.” 

My Answer 

I am in essence a freelancer. I specialize in marketing insurance agencies by creating, updating, and customizing marketing campaigns in Agency Revolution and through social media. I agree that Agency Revolutions team is a great resource. I also know that AR is a support system to help you create your own marketing Campaigns. Their staff is not there to be your employee and they do not do the work for you. They are Michael Jans employees supporting the sale of his products.
I work with agencies that have found they do not have time to spend learning, customizing and implementing the marketing campaigns Michael Jans uses to grow independent insurance agencies. My customers realize the value in what Michael Jans teaches and understand that by applying his tactics they can grow their business too.
I am working for you to grow your business. Any task AR gives you I can take care of so it gets done quicker and more efficiently.  If you were to hire a part time in office employee the time it took to train that employee as well as money spent on taxes, health insurance, and other costs would out way my fees by a long shot.
In the end if you are not using your agency revolution product every day to better your customer service and stream line your office procedures then you could be under-utilizing the product. 
Do you have any questions about what I do? Shoot me an email or comment right here on my blog. Knowledge is power.