Home » My Thoughts and Advice » Have You Tried the “Get More Likes” Facebook Promotional Tool?

Have You Tried the “Get More Likes” Facebook Promotional Tool?

Have you noticed the new “Get More Likes” promotion on your Facebook business page? Well as soon as I noticed it I gave it a try. This is my experience with the new Facebook Promotional tool and some insight on how it works.

What is the “Get More Likes” Facebook Promotional Tool? 


Take a look at the new Facebook Promotional tool to the right. It seems simple enough, but does it work? The answer is yes, using this promotional tool you will see an increase in how many “Likes” your business has.

  •  You find this promotional Facebook ad by logging in to your personal Facebook then going to your business page.
  • Open your Admin Panel by selecting the “show” button on the top right hand corner of your cover photo.
  •  Make sure you are still operating from your personal Facebook Page. At the top of the your business page there is a message reading, “You are posting, commenting, and liking as Your Name Here – Change to Your Business Name.  If you miss this step it is ok, you will just be prompted to change to your personal page before you complete setting up your Facebook promotion.


How Much is this Going to Cost Me?


Facebook makes it easy to track how much you’re spending and allows you to pick a daily budget. When selecting the budget Facebook will inform you on how many “likes” a day each budget is expected to produce. I have found these figures to be correct but the likes per day tend to be on the lower end.

  • $5.00 – est. 5-41 likes per day ~ actual likes per day 7-12 
  •  $10.00 – est. 9-82 likes per day ~ actual likes per day 12-20
  •  $20.00 – est. 18-164 likes per day ~ actual likes per day 21-30

In one test I tried $5.00 a day for 4 days and received 22 likes on the page costing a total of $20.00. I did this two more times with about the same results. On the fourth trial I spent about $6.00 and receive no additional likes. The promotion had run its course. 
In another test I tried $20.00 a day continually until I noticed a decline in likes. The page received 108 likes through the promotion plus about 45 additional likes. Totaling about a 150 new likes with more than 300,000 people reached. My budget totaled $300.00. After the two weeks I was not getting the high volume of likes and turned the promotion off.  
Set your budget and a “like” goal before you start. Keep an eye on frequency and how often your business is receiving likes. This Facebook promotion is just like other Facebook promotions… it is short lived and only works for a small amount of time. 

Who are You Reaching with this Promotion?


The demographics of the people you are reaching using this ad promotion is as follows;

  • 18-24 years old
  • Targeted for your geographical location
  • Mobile users

Each time I have tried this promotion I have noticed these characteristics found in the people liking the page. If this is your target market I would highly suggest using this promotional tool. 



Use this new Facebook Promotional tool to get more likes. Set your budget and new like goal. Check your advertisement frequently when it stops producing turn the promotion off. Know who Facebook is targeting with this ad and how they interact with your product. I would also recommend checking your unlikes. I found with the sharp rise in likes I had a higher amount of unlikes as well. 
Sometimes it is good to get likes the old fashion way too….. go here to like my Facebook Page. 🙂
What are your experiences with the new Facebook promotional tool?

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