Home » My Thoughts and Advice » Facebook For Small Businesses – Lunch and Learn

Facebook For Small Businesses – Lunch and Learn

Thursday April 25th
Moses Lake Chamber Office 324 S pioneer Way
Cost $10
Lunch is Provided
What You Will Learn! 
· Business Page vs. Personal Page
· What to Post to get the most reach and engagement
· How to read Page Statistics and what they mean
· How to direct traffic to your Website and Blog
· How to Post Offers and Events
https://www.facebook.com/events/359277340849832/Your Customers are On Facebook!
46% of Facebook users are 45 or older

57% have completed some college

24% have a bachelor’s or master’s degree

47% have an income of $50,000 to $100,000

43% are male and 57% are female

40 visits per month on average

23-20 minutes per visit on site

200 million FB users check their Timelines

using mobile devices every day