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Disaster Preparedness Center

If you were in Chicago a few weeks ago then you already know about the new Disaster Preparedness Center. But for everyone who did not make it to the conference you are in for a treat. Check out Bancorp Insurance Wildfire Disaster Preparedness Page. Looks pretty good right! Now what if you could have a page just like this for;

  • Flood
  • Earthquake
  • Blizzard
  • Tsunami
  • Tornado
  •  Hurricane
  • Volcano

Well it is your lucky day because you already have a site just like Bancorp Insurance Disaster Preparedness Center waiting for you on your website. All you need to do is type this into your Firefox browser – www.YourWebsiteHere.com/research-center/disaster-preparedness-center.  (In case you just copied and pasted remember to change “YourWebsiteHere” to your personal websites URL.)
Now that you know that this awesome page is on your site you need to change the content in it to be local and agency specific. If you want even more from your Disaster Preparedness Center start implementing the #Disaster Preparedness – Phases in your Engine. If you have any questions about implementing this campaign on your website or your engine contact your vendor or give me a call at 401-400-AIMS.
Have fun developing your New Disaster Preparedness Center!