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Content Marketing: Friend of the Small Business

When it comes to Internet marketing, everyone is looking to get ahead. With so much saturation, and so

many people offering the same thing, it is important to make your company stand out.

You probably chose to visit us today because you are looking increase traffic to the website of your insurance company or small business. While we offer many solutions, the idea we are presenting this week is Content Marketing. 

So what exactly is content marketing? Content Marketing Institute defines it as

“The marketing and business process for creating and distributing relevant and valuable content to attract, acquire, and engage a clearly defined and understood target audience – with the objective of driving profitable customer action.”

At AIMS, we devote a portion of our time each week to creating original insurance based content that our clients can use to educate their current customers and to help draw in new ones.

The topics vary, but are generally helpful hints and tips to help make life easier, although, we do make attempts to tie in current events as they relate to the insurance industry.

We don’t believe in keyword stuffing, not only is it black hat, but also it doesn’t work. Google has gotten smarter: they like fresh content, they like originality, and they like a quality product. While we’re not quite sure how the algorithm works (like anyone but the developers and engineers at Google do), we do know, and there is data to back it up, that one of the best ways to reach the first page of Google’s search results is with constant, quality content.

Now you may be asking, how do I get started? Our best advice is to start a blog and update it weekly. Whether you write it, or you hire out to someone like us to write it, the important thing is to get your name out there, and backlink to your site.

What you write is up to you, just know that people like pictures and they like personality – show them the human side to your small business.