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Holiday Party Social Media Etiquette

For those of you planning to party down this week, here are 5 quick tips for proper social media party etiquette:

1. Know the Rules 


Posting photos from a holiday gathering to one of your company’s social media accounts is a great way to humanize your business. Too often we’re seen as walking, talking drones; show your customers that you are more than that.

The catch? You need to check in on your company’s social media policies to be sure that what you are planning to post is appropriate. 

2. Ask Permission 


Before your bust out the iPhone for an impromptu photo shoot be sure that the people in the photographs are comfortable with their picture going on line. 

3. Help the Brand, Don’t Hurt It 


No booze-y pics, misspellings, or auto-corrects. Photos should be high quality and limited to a select few. 

Once you’ve posted, whether it is a prepared quote from the evening or a picture of you and the boss, keep an eye on your comments section or mentions and be at the ready to delete at a moment’s notice. 

4. Tagging


Do not tag any of your co-workers using their personal social media accounts. Putting a name to a face is great, but leave them their privacy. A good rule of thumb is to never post something online that you don’t want anyone else to see, but hey, some of us still have a few photos of that last college pub-crawl hanging around, and do you really want your clients to see that?

5. Say “Thanks” 


Tis’ the season to express gratitude, so give a shout out to those responsible for putting on such a killer holiday party – sponsors, hosts, caterers! A little “thank-you” goes a long ways.  We at AIMS want to wish you a Happy Holiday!

Source – 10 Tips for Proper Social Media Etiquette