Home » My Thoughts and Advice » Welcome Emily Pick to the AIMS Team!!

Welcome Emily Pick to the AIMS Team!!

Big news here at AIMS! We have added a new member to our staff! Everyone please welcome our new Marketing Assistant, Emily Pick.

Emily joins our team primarily as a copywriter and editor, but will also be helping with social media, design and other business functions. She is a 2010 graduate of the University of Oregon having received her degree in Human Physiology.  In the past, she has worked as a freelance copywriter, crafting original content and press releases for various businesses.

Outside of work, Emily is very fitness oriented and loves to travel. She is also a very big Oregon athletics fan (Go Ducks!). Her favorite international city is Istanbul, Turkey for its beautiful architecture and amazing food (although Jamaica and its beaches rank a close second!). She ran her first half-marathon in the summer of 2013, and is looking forward to getting her feet wet with her first triathlon in July of 2014. 

Emily is here at AIMS to learn more about the business of marketing and is looking forward to helping incorporate the use of analytics into our social marketing strategy.  With her help, we are hoping to grow our clientele base and continue to put out a quality product that is both creative and refreshing.