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The Office Autopilot Conference Lowdown 2012

So it took me a whole day to get my butt from Eastern Idaho to Santa Barbara and boy was it worth it! The Office Autopilot conference was full of inspirational speakers, success stories and interviews with the staff, who are the people who are behind the computers making Office Autopilot truly work for your business. Well just in case you could not make it to the conference I want to share with you some of the BIG CHANGES coming to Office Autopilot. 
Did I say BIG CHANGES; well I did so let’s talk about the first BIG CHANGE. Office Autopilot has changed its company name…..are you excited yet…its new name is…Ontraport! They said the reason behind the name change was based on the fact they did not feel like getting sued by Microsoft Office. Makes sense to me. 
Now I want to tell you about the most exciting updates to the back end of Ontraport (formally known as Office Autopilot). They have updated the interface. I know you are like whoop-De-do, new interface. This you should be really excited about. Ontraport has been listening to your suggestions and now has made creating campaigns, forms, rules easier than ever. Think of making rules and their outcomes in the same place or being able to change the customers information page as easy as clicking a dragging the content box. They said we should be seeing glimpse of the new interface within the next couple of months. I hope to be one of the first to start working on it. 
Other fun stuff I learned while I was at the conference. Ontraport is growing, and I mean growing fast! They have hired 12 new employees in the last 3 months. They were #102 in Inc. 5000 and where ranked 9th in best software, they were awarded Red Herring Top 100 award in recognition of the leading private companies in North America, and was named one of Achievers 50 Most Engaged Workplaces. So yeah if you were not fully behind these guys then it is time to jump on board. 
Everything else I learned at the conference I will keep to myself or use with my clients. 


  1. Rochelle says:

    Hi Cheri,
    Thanks so much for coming to our conference! We’re so glad to see that you enjoyed it and we’re super stoked about our new interface as well. Please let us know if we can help in anyway – we so appreciate your support.

    OfficeAutopilot Team

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