Category: Uncategorized
Is your Business on Google?
Signed Yours Truly, Facebook.
- Save these photos on your desktop or another easy to find location.
2. Create a new signature or click on the edit or signature box being used.
3. Click Picture, browse to the icon you saved in step 1, click to select it, and then click OK. Repeat for each icon you want to add. Or right click the location you want to add the button and select import image.
4. Click one of the icons you added in step 3, and then click Hyperlink.
5. In the Address box, type the URL or web address for your Facebook, Twitter, or social media account that corresponds to the icon.
6. Click OK to save.
When are Your Customers on Facebook?
Lead Generation in a New Generation
Generating leads is more than just having a few advertisements. Lead generation has come into a new generation of defining a brand. Allowing prospects and customers to view a business from multiple view points and receiving a fuller vision of what your business does and its values and ethics. The ability to use SEO to be found, create engagement and socialize using social media all contribute to driving leads. John Jantsch the author of Duct Tape Marketing says it best, “In a way social media has become the ultimate referral vehicle. Throw ratings and reviews into the social mix and you’ve pretty much round out the new face of lead generation.” Once you start to see the possibilities of lead generation in this new platform the opportunities are endless. Using the internet with classical advertising, social media, SEO, and other marketing material is a job in itself. If you need help or just have a few questions don’t hesitate to contact AIMS. This is what AIMS is here for, to create solid lead generating programs using multiple facets of marketing. Check us out online at, Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn.
The New Secret to Implementing AR or Firefly Campaigns
Cheri was instrumental in helping me implement several marketing campaigns to bring new customers to our business and helping nurture and upsell current customers. I would highly recommend her to anyone who would like to get their marketing programs off and running.
Tammy Lesueur Bancorp Insurance ~ La Pine OR
RIP Steven P. Jobs
Benefits of Automated Marketing
What can Rotary Do for your Business?
Managing Your Sales Team